速報APP / 地圖與導航 / GEOART ~Mountains in Hokkaido~

GEOART ~Mountains in Hokkaido~



檔案大小:15.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:日語, 英語

GEOART ~Mountains in Hokkaido~(圖1)-速報App

"GEOART ~Mountains in Hokkaido~ Powered by Stroly" is app which features the display of the user's current location on Bird's Eye View of Hokkaido.

"Stroly" means "to stroll around" in Japanese. Please enjoy strolling around with this app.

Stroly fully supports Retina Display graphics.

[App Features]

The user's current location shows up on a variety of Bird's Eye View Indicated current location moves,

GEOART ~Mountains in Hokkaido~(圖2)-速報App

which provides the users with the experience of strolling around in Bird's Eye View.

Stroly has a variety of maps classified by the areas,

users could enjoy regional Bird's Eye View .The Bird's Eye View can be switched to Internet Maps.


1. Stroly shows your location using GPS. Using Stroly on iPod

GEOART ~Mountains in Hokkaido~(圖3)-速報App

Touch or iPad WiFi might not show accurate current position.

2. No modification is done to the description of original maps used in

this app.

3. We cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of the maps and locations because

of the distortion of the original maps and the GPS accuracy. We would

GEOART ~Mountains in Hokkaido~(圖4)-速報App

like you to enjoy the original uncertainty of the Bird's Eye View .

4. We have no intention of violating human rights by disclosing the

Bird's Eye View.

GEOART ~Mountains in Hokkaido~(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad